
Sausage-blocked sinks and dripping beef blood close Philadelphia restaurants | Clean Plates - The Philadelphia Inquirer

Sausage-blocked sinks, dripping beef blood, and cats in food prep areas were all part of the Philadelphia restaurant closures in this edition of Clean Plates.

City sanitarians also closed a few local favorites for various infractions, including one Philly Pretzel Factory location in South Philly (mouse feces, twice), The Irish Pub at 20th and Walnut in Center City (hot water issues), and 2nd Story Brewing in Old City (black residue in an ice machine).

And then, there were the issues with employees’ personal items being stored in food prep and service areas in a number of locations. This time around, those items included pocketbooks, cell phones, coats, open beverages, and even a bicycle.

From Jan. 2 to Jan. 15, Philadelphia inspectors closed at least 31 facilities for various violations, some more than once.

Inspectors visit nearly 1,000 eateries and food retailers every two weeks. Each inspection is generally regarded as a snapshot in time, and not necessarily a reflection of day-to-day conditions. Most violations were corrected immediately in the presence of an inspector.

A list of eateries that were closed follows:

899 Brill St.

8 violation, 1 serious

Food in close display case was not held at proper temperature; Storage unit surfaces in basement were not smooth and easily cleanable (particle board); Dust accumulation was observed on vents in a refrigerator in retail area and on shelves on the a hallway next to food preparation area; A catch basin in the basement was clogged; There was no exhaust vent in the basement restroom.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 2.

1334 Walnut St.

21 violations, 10 serious

Person in charge was unable to identify the five food-borne illnesses; An open employee’s beverage container was observed in a food preparation area. Employee cup of water observed by the stove; Food employees observed donning single use gloves without a prior hand wash; The handwash sink in the food preparation area was blocked by a tray of sausage and not accessible at all times for employee use; A dish of raw beef observed dripping blood onto a lid of a container full of sauce; Dirty, rusty vegetable peeler observed; Mouse droppings observed behind the refrigeration units in the food preparation area, toilet rooms and around the utility sink/water heater; Facility reusing pita bread bags to store raw meats in the freezer.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 2.

3939 M St.

13 violations, 3 serious

Hot water observed at 49.6 degrees at main hand sink; Cat observed in facility; Sticky fly trap observed stored over open bag of dry nuts; Barewood shelving, which is not easily cleanable, was observed being used as food storage; Cardboard lining observed in restroom (used as floor mat in restroom).

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 3.

6521 Haverford Ave.

11 violations, 4 serious

No running hot water in men's restroom; Ice scoop handle observed in direct contact with ice used for consumption; Mouse droppings observed along floor perimeters in the kitchen, bar area and 1st floor walk-in unit; Defective urinals and rusted stall dividers in the men's room; Floor perimeters throughout the bars, kitchen and basement needed cleaning.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 4.

5675 Rising Sun Ave.

18 violation, 5 serious

There were no paper towels at handwash sink in the produce department; 7 bags of food (bread crumbs, flour) were gnawed in the retail area; The can opener had an accumulation of food residue on the food contact surfaces; Mouse droppings were observed in the main kitchen, janitor room, retail area, employees’ break room, storage area and trash room; Food employees observed not wearing hair restraints, such as nets, hats in the main kitchen; Shelves in the retail area and main kitchen were not clean due to mouse droppings observed.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 6.

2001 S. 9th St.

14 violations, 4 serious

A hand wash station was not observed at the ware wash area in the basement; Flans and reduced oxygen packed pork and chicken were not date marked when they were prepared; Lid was not observed at the waste receptacles in the toilet room; Dead mouse observed next to the water heater in the basement.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 6.

1043 Spring Garden St.

14 violations, 3 serious

The Food Safety Certified Person did not have a Philadelphia Food Safety Certificate; Opened commercially processed ready to eat food (seafood salad, macaroni & cheese, coleslaw), located in the front counter refrigeration unit, walk-in cooler, and hot holding unit was not marked with the date the original container was opened; Mouse droppings observed along shelving and floor perimeters in the front counter area, dry storage shelving in the rear prep area; Nonfood grade plastic storage drawers were being used to store food items in the reach-in freezer.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 6.

2007 Walnut Street

9 violations, 4 serious

Hot water was unavailable at the following handsinks; main floor bar, first floor food preparation area (handsink next to the mop sink and handsink by the line); Food employee observed donning gloves without a prior handwash; Black residue observed on the interior of the ice machine bin; Slicer had an accumulation of food residue on the food contact surfaces and was not being washed, rinsed and sanitized at least every 4 hours; Cold Preparation unit lined with duct tape. Shelf lined with duct tape and cardboard.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 6.

946 Winton St.

0 violations, 0 serious

Operating under a commissary that was not approved by the Office of Food Protection (2001 S 9th Street) or a commissary that had not passed an inspection within the previous fourteen months.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 6.

2203 W. Lehigh Ave.

21 violations, 6 serious

Moist wiping cloths observed lying on front service/food prep area counter and not stored in sanitizing solution; Coffee and tea spoon observed stored in stagnant water probed at 71 degrees Fahrenheit rather than running water or clean water at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or higher; 4] Clean plates observed stored not inverted in the food service area (on cold prep refrigerator accessible to customers); Rodent droppings observed throughout the facility; Employee personal items (pocketbook and phones) observed stored in front service/ food prep area counter.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 7.

100 N. 3rd St.

17 violations, 7 serious

An open employee’s beverage container was observed in a food preparation area; Hot water not observed at the hand wash sink in the prep/counter area at the time of inspection; Uncovered containers of multiple food items observed in refrigeration units and walk-in coolers; Pink slime/residue observed on the interior of the ice machine bin; Visible physical evidence of rodent activity (mouse droppings) observed in the warewashing area and basement; Mouse droppings observed along floor perimeters under the 3-basin sink and behind the dough mixer in the basement; Water main break on the corner of N. 3rd St. & Arch St. caused flooding in the basement of the facility.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 7.

1032 S. 9th St.

25 violations, 11 serious

Employees did not know proper warewashing procedures; No food safety certified person was present to demonstrate knowledge of food-borne illnesses; Soap was not available at the handwash sink in the toilet room on the second floor; Sacks of flour and sugar observed located on landing with old mouse droppings; cat observed in the food prep area beneath racks of open baked goods; Fresh and/or old mouse droppings were observed on the floor in the basement, on landing beneath electric box and in floor vent in the food prep area; Roaches were observed entering gap beneath toilet and floor in the 1st floor toilet room.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 7.

1900 S. 7th St.

12 violations, 7 serious

Food Safety Certified Person not present during time of inspection; Food Employee did not follow proper handwashing procedure. Soap and/or warm water not used; A food employee was observed touching ready to eat food with his bare hands; Grill observed with buildup and old food debris, general cleaning needed; Pork sausage and sour cream were held at 59 degrees F rather than 41 degrees F or below as required.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 7.

2413 E. Allegheny Ave

12 violations, 2 serious

The food facility does not have a handwash sink conveniently located in the warewashing area; Sponges observed in the warewashing area being used to clean food contact surfaces; Water-stained ceiling tiles were observed in the retail area and office.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 7.

1601 Market St.

10 violations, 1 serious

Severely dented (or swollen) distressed canned food items observed in the retail area: 7 dented cans observed (PIC removed from sale); 2 flies observed in the back room; dark colored rat feces observed in several areas (below Russell Stover Candy shelving, on floor in retail/customer area, dusty rat feces observed collected on floor perimeter in back stockroom (under/behind refrigerators), 8 gnawed bags of Wise Chips (4.5oz) & 3 gnawed packs of Fudge Striped Shortbread Cookies observed (9.75oz); Floor in stockroom was not accessible for cleaning/inspection due to excess storage.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 7.

6521 Haverford Ave.

11 violations, 3 serious

Soap and towels were not available at the handwash sinks in the bar area and kitchen; Black residue, pink slime observed on the interior of the ice machine bin; Mouse droppings observed along floor perimeters in the kitchen behind shelving unit and on shelves where single use containers were stored; Missing toilet lid covers in the ladies room; No mechanical ventilation observed in restroom areas at time of inspection.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 7.

355 Lyceum St.

16 violations, 4 serious

Food employee observed eating in the food preparation area; Visible physical evidence of rodent (mouse droppings) activity observed in the food prep area; Interior surfaces of deep fryer required cleaning due to grease accumulations and mouse droppings observed; A separate lidded waste receptacle for the disposal of women’s sanitary products was not in the toilet facility.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 7.

518 S. 4th St.

9 violations, 3 serious

Peak hot water temperature at the prep area hand wash sink was observed at 92.7 degrees F, rather than the required 100 degrees F; Observed an insecticide (Black Jack Fly & Mosquito Killer) not labeled by the manufacturer for food facility usage, in the warewash area; Establishment's hot water heater was not of sufficient capacity to meet peak water demands of the food facility.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 8.

1813 E. Clearfield St.

21 violations, 3 serious

Soap was not available at the handwash sink in the restroom; Observed insecticides or rodenticides not labeled by the manufacturer for food facility usage, in the rear area; Spoon observed in stagnant water at the coffee station; Cleaning was needed in the cold-prep unit to remove dead roach and food residue observed; A lidded trash can was not provided in the restroom for the proper disposal of sanitary napkins; Cleaning was needed throughout the facility to remove dead roaches; Bike was being stored in the retail area instead of in the rear, personal food was being stored in the deli case.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 8.

2655 S. 3rd St.

2 violations, 0 serious

Mouse feces observed in storage room, toilet room, pretzel trays, stair well, and basement.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 10.

1649 S. 5th St.

8 violations, 1 serious

Expired milk observed in the retail reach in refrigerator; Mice feces observed on retail and storage shelves in the rear retail shelves, rear closet/storage area, and in the basement; Damaged glass pane on the reach in refrigerator in the retail area, brick was used as a stand in the front counter area; Old mouse feces observed on non food contact surfaces such as shelves; Unused items and articles unrelated to establishment operation are stored in basement areas.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 10.

3929 Sansom St.

7 violations, 0 serious

Fresh mouse droppings observed on bottom and top of prep tables where food and food contact surfaces were stored, along floor perimeter in kitchen and dry storage room (where food contact surfaces were stored); Fresh mouse feces observed on top reach in freezer; Two live mice observed during time of inspection; Old mice droppings observed in dry storage room on shelves.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 10.

3169 Reach St.

16 violations, 1 serious

Soap, paper towels, and a sign reminding employees to wash their hands were not available at the handwash sink in the restroom; Accumulated rat droppings were observed in the corners of the rear (food prep area); Unused equipment observed throughout the facility: cooking equipment, cold prep unit, refrigerator, freezers; Person in Control of premises has not posted “No Smoking” signs.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 13.

2655 S. 3rd St.

2 violations, 0 serious

Mouse feces observed on the sill leading to the basement (old and fresh), under the meter in the basement (fresh) and in front of the oven on the first floor (fresh).

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 24 hours. Inspected Jan. 13.

1420 Cecil B. Moore Ave.

9 violations, 3 serious

Hands could not be washed properly due to lack of hot water measured at 63°F in all facility's handwash sinks; Multiuse utensils and food equipment could not be properly cleaned due to lack of hot water; Food debris observed on food prep table and a table stand for the oven; Hot water not under pressure throughout all facility's sinks during inspection.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 13.

247 N. 52nd St.

10 violations, 5 serious

Soiled utensils observed in the handwash sink; Raw animal foods were stored above ready to eat foods (bananas) in the walk-in cooler; Breakfast food was held at (103- 118) degrees F rather than 135 degrees F or above as required; In-use utensils observed stored in container of standing water of less than 135 degrees F; General floor cleaning needed throughout establishment of dirt and food debris; Repair damaged/missing basecoving as needed throughout prep areas.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 13.

2051 Cottman Ave.

15 violations, 4 serious

Several food items in the hot buffet bars were not kept above 135 degrees F; Observed insecticides or rodenticides not labeled by the manufacturer for food facility usage, in the warewash area; Mouse droppings were observed in the food storage area, food preparation area and buffet area; Outdoor dumpster was kept open; Employees’ coat was hung on a dry good storage rack.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 13.

5716 Baltimore Ave.

10 violations, 2 serious

Soap was not available at the handwash sink in the restroom area; Severely dented canned items observed on shelvings in retail area; Visible physical evidence of rodent activity (mouse droppings) observed in the facility; Clogged toilet observed in restroom area. Restrooms were out of order.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 14.

4501 N. 19th St.

17 violations, 6 serious

Food employees observed donning single use gloves without a prior hand wash; Slicer had an accumulation of food residue on the food contact surfaces and was not being washed, rinsed and sanitized at least every 4 hours; Observed mouse droppings inside of two juice bottle storage boxes located in the basement storage area; Observed loose rodent bait on the floor behind the reach-in freezer and in front of the closed display case in the food prep and basement storage area under the storage shelves.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 14.

117 Chestnut St.

11 violations, 6 serious

Paper towel dispensers were empty at the hand wash sinks (2) in the main bar area, (1) in the 2nd floor bar area, and (1) in the rear prep area; Hand wash sinks in the main bar area (2) observed with a water temperature of 48 degrees F; Black residue observed on the interior of the ice machine bin; Mouse droppings observed along a few corners of floor perimeters in the prep area.

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 14.

3734 Germantown Ave.

13 violations, 5 serious

Severely dented, swollen, distressed canned items observed in the basement area; Food not protected from contamination- uncovered pans of chicken observed in rear food prep area reach-in refrigeration unit; Cellphone observed stored on cutting board of cold prep refrigerator in the front service area; Visible physical evidence of rodent activity observed in the food prep and basement areas. Rodent droppings observed on the floor perimeters in the front service, rear food prep and basement areas. Droppings observed on shelving in the basement area; Food observed stored in plastic shopping bags in the rear food prep area refrigeration units; Food employees observed not wearing or wearing ineffective hair restraints, such as nets, hats, or beard restraints.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 14.

3180 Grant Ave.

19 violations, 6 serious

Hands could not be washed properly at the facility because of a lack of hot water. Hot water was measured at 76 degrees F at the prep area hand sink; An employee was observed switching gloves without washing hands; Soap and paper towels were not provided at the prep area hand sink; Mouse droppings were observed in food prep and storage areas; Food was observed stored on the floor of the walk-in refrigerator and storage area; Pipes and utility line penetrations were not properly sealed. Gaps and holes observed in some surfaces in kitchen area

The establishment agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until it is approved by the Department to resume operations. Inspected Jan. 14.

651 S. 52nd St.

3 violations, 0 serious

Cat food and cat litter box observed in kitchen, (kitchen was not in use); Visible physical evidence of rodent / insect activity observed in the chip area. Fresh mouse droppings observed on all shelves of the chip rack.

The establishment was issued a Cease Operations Order and was required to discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment could not operate for a minimum of 48 hours. Inspected Jan. 15.

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Sausage-blocked sinks and dripping beef blood close Philadelphia restaurants | Clean Plates - The Philadelphia Inquirer
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